What we do

At the U.S. Center for Mental Health & Sport, we are focused on making sport environments a place where all involved can experience support for their mental health. We all have mental health and we should never be ashamed to talk about it or get the support we need. Mental health falls along a continuum and the mental health we experience can change throughout our lives. Whether individuals' mental health is thriving or languishing, the USC-MHS has the resources, training and support to help make the sport environment one that is inclusive and provides a positive experience!

Check out our digital brochures to learn more!

USC-MHS Overview
Digital Brochure

USC-MHS Overview Brochure

USC-MHS ACT! Training
Digital Brochure

USC-MHS ACT! Training Brochure


In order to establish sport environments that promote and support positive mental health, it is important for participants struggling with mental health issues to be surrounded by people who are able to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health disorders, are able to provide basic information to those individuals regarding what they may be experiencing, and can direct those individuals toward the pathways for receiving additional support so they can recover. Our mental health awareness training is different from that offered anywhere else because we also focus on the special mental health risk factors and protective factors that are present in a sport environment.


We all know that athletes' physical wellbeing is important. But do we also recognize that overall health includes mental health? At the USC-MHS we provide training for coaches on what coaching behaviors and initiatives support the mental health of athletes. All of our recommended practices for sports coaches are evidence-based and developed utilizing the latest research. This training goes beyond the basic mental health awareness training that focuses primarily on sign and symptoms of mental health disorders and takes a deeper dive into the behaviors that are instrumental in the prevention of mental health disorders.


Establishing a mental health supporting environment in sports means that we look beyond just the athletes and support EVERYONE involved. We provide training and resources that pertain to the mental health of coaches, officials, parents, administrators, and anyone else included in our sports organizations.


We know that there are specific risk factors associated with sport for mental health issues. However, it may be difficult to find a support group in the community-at-large that can truly understand those risk factors and some of the different challenges that individuals must work through in a sport environment. We provide group counseling / therapy sessions with a licensed mental health care providers who also have a great deal of experience in sport. These sessions are designed so that you can apply what you learn directly to your roll in sports.
Researcher working


In order to support all of the initiatives listed above, we have a team of research fellows and mental health experts that allow us to bring the latest and best practices and mental health support mechanisms to you. This group has a broad range of experience as care providers, researchers, and practitioners in sport. Together they make up a team that develops content and initiatives that are leading the way in mental health and sport throughout the United States.

"It is OK not to be OK." 

EVERYONE has mental health. We should never be ashamed to START THE CONVERSATION. Let's end the STIGMA in sport environments. At the U.S. Center for Mental Health & Sport, we are continually looking for more ways to support individuals' mental health regardless of where they currently fall on the mental health continuum. MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS!

Official Mental Health & Wellness Partner of:

American Youth Soccer OrganizationNebraska State Soccer Logo
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